Conducting an examination of documents and providing advice on the creation of a set of technical documentation for an application for assessing product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations in the field of railway transport. Support during certification. Creation of a set of technical documentation. Assistance in drawing up a declaration of conformity.
ATthe price of compliance of products with the requirements of technical regulations, defined in the Law of Ukraine On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment, is carried out from the date of entry into force of this law, i.e. from January 15, 2016 (see Chapter X FINAL AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS), but assessment of product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations in the field of railway transport becomes mandatory from the date of entry into force of Resolution of the CMU dated January 26, 2022 No. 53 - from February 3, 2024.
Documents that determine the rules,
procedures and methods of activity in the field of technical regulation
in the field of railway transport.
The Law of Ukraine On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment provisions regarding compliance with established requirements of products "which are put into circulation, provided on the market or put into operation, and in the cases specified by the second part of Article 11 of this Law - are in use in Ukraine". The Law applies to all types of products, with the exception of: construction objects; subjects of aviation activity; works of art and unique products of folk arts and crafts; antiques; sanitary and phytosanitary measures. Products for railway transport, which are conventionally divided into subsystems and components of railway transport in the form of rolling stock, infrastructure and their components and spare parts, are not an exception and are subject to this law. In accordance with its provisions, two technical regulations have been approved in the field of railway transport:
Technical regulation of railway transport infrastructure safety, approved by Resolution No. 494 of the CMU dated July 11, 2013;
Technical regulation of railway rolling stock safety, approved by Resolution of the CMU dated December 30, 2015 No. 1194.
In addition, it will enter into force on February 3, 2024CMU Resolution No. 53 of January 26, 2022 On making changes to the Technical Regulations for the Safety of Railway Transport Infrastructure and the Technical Regulations for the Safety of Rolling Stock of Railway Transport.
Also, in the field of railway transport, the following normative legal acts and normative documents are in force, which are used in determining the conformity of products: -
CMU Resolution No. 797 of October 3, 2018 On the approval of conformity assessment modules in the field of railway transport;
Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure dated January 31, 2022 No. 60 About approval of the List national standards for the purposes of applying the Technical Regulations for the Safety of Rolling Stock of Railway Transport;
Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure dated February 3, 2022 No. 69 About approval of the List national standards for the purposes of application of the Technical Regulation of Railway Transport Infrastructure Safety.
CMU Resolution No. 53 of 02.03.2022 provides for lists of rail transport products (Appendix 1 to each technical regulation) that are subject to mandatory assessment of compliance with the definition of modules that can be assessed.
Choosing a specific module (or their combination) according to the applications listed in Resolution No. 53, is the prerogative of the customer of conformity assessment (manufacturer, authorized representative - in accordance with the second and third parts of Article 25 of the Law of Ukraine On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment).
Each conformity assessment module in accordance with the Resolution of the CMU dated 03.10.2018 No. 797 contains requirements for the creation of technical documentation, which must be submitted simultaneously with the application for the assessment of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation. In general, this technical documentation (or technical file) should contain:
- general description of the component;
- project (if available), production drawings, electrical, hydraulic and other schemes (if available) of components of the component;
- descriptions and explanations (if available) necessary for understanding such drawings, schemes, method of operation, including conditions of use, and maintenance of the component;
- conditions of integration of the component into the railway transport system and necessary conditions related to the interface;
- a list of regulatory documents applied in full or in part, and descriptions of decisions adopted to fulfill the requirements of regulatory documents, if such documents are not applied. In the event that the regulatory document is partially applied, the parts that are applied are indicated in the technical documentation;
- results of completed design calculations, conducted research, etc.;
- test reports.
At the same time, it should be noted that each module (or their combination) has its own list of documents, which must be included, in particular, a report (reports) according to the methods of general security risk assessment (modules SD, SF, SG, SH1).
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